Hi, Troy van Spanje here, the creator of the Kettlebell Shred Program and YouTuber for kettlebell workouts. I’m sure you have seen my YouTube channel already.
If not, head over to troyvanspanje on YouTube and check it out. I’ve been helping hundreds of thousands of people with my YouTube workouts for over a decade. I love the community feel. The feedback that I get from everybody makes me want to deliver more!
That’s the reason why I’m really excited to launch my membership site for all of the workouts that I’ve ever done PLUS workouts that are only exclusive to my site.
What this membership includes
- Access to all of my workout videos that I have created
- No ads ever!
- Download the workouts to your device and watch anytime
- Get in great shape with a new workout every month that’s exclusive to members
Go Pro! Pro Membership:
- Everything in the Basic Membership PLUS Downloadable app
- Full library of workouts to utilise
- New Kettlebell program delivered every month. This Includes 2-3 workouts to follow along to and download.
- Chat portal Directly to Troy
- Link Services to the app such My fitness Pal, Apple
- Watch, Fit Bit, Apple Health, Google Fit.
- Log body measurements and progress photos.
- Nutrition programs as guides or customisable.